The rumors and speculations that Pablo Picasso used house paint for his works, including his masterpieces as opposed to the oil paints and other traditional colors that other artists use were confirmed after a group of physicists have confirmed that his works were indeed made from house paints.
It is shocking to know that the 20th Century master of painting from Spain used basic house paints for creating masterpieces. Art scholars earlier had their doubts after they observed that the hidden brush marks with the glossy style was not achievable with conventional paints.
A few scientists at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, used an X-ray nanoprobe on Picasso's painting "The Red Armchair", after they found out that the pigment particles were extremely similar to the first commercial house paint, Ripolin.
They ordered the paint from eBay and confirmed their ideas. With the specific impurities found in the paint they could even pinpoint the location where the paints were used. Since the house paint dries quicker than the normal paints has a special texture to the paint, he could make a signature effect with his paintings.
(AW- Anil)