After the launch of four-inch smart phone by Karbonn (named A2) for just Rs.4999, Micromax, which banked heavily on its Ninja smart phone has reduced the prices of the same piece to a great extent to apparently ensure that people won't get titled towards Karbonn A2 only because of the price tag. In fact, the earlier price of Ninja was over Rs. 8000 while the same piece can be purchase for less than Rs. 6000.
If we compare and contrast Karbonn A2 to that of Micromax Ninja, almost all features are the same except that the former one runs on Android Gingerbread operating system (an earlier edition) while Ninja runs on Android Ice cream Sandwich (the latest one). Even the camera specifications too are the same-3.2 mega pixels-for both these smart phones. It's still a question whether Micromax can attract people to purchase Ninja at this point of time wherein Karbonn A2 is playing big.
(AW Phani)