Only a couple of days ago a walker on a beach found a fresh detached eyeball or enormous size, so big that it had to be held in both the hands but the identity of the creature was a mystery. It was guessed to be the eye of a giant squid or a swordfish but researchers later confirmed the eye to be that of a swordfish.
When picked up into a plastic cover, the eye was still bleeding on the Pompano Beach. It was later handed to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The commission put the eye on ice and sent it for verification.
The guessing game started in the meanwhile claiming the eye could possibly be giant squid's, a whale's and the later guesses had expanded to mythical proportions as people quoted a mastodon and a er...Bigfoot.
The website on Monday revealed that the eye was observed and studied by experts who confirmed that it was a Swordfish eye based on color, size and structure. The presence of bone around it confirmed the finding.
"Based on straight-line cuts visible around the eye, we believe it was removed by a fisherman and discarded”, experts said.
(AW- Anil)