Are you in deeply in love with your boyfriend? Do you suspect that he is cheating on you? Then here are some of the ways you can find out whether you’re just being possessive or he’s actually cheating on you..
1. He is all the time with his phone
You both are having quality time and suddenly he starts texting. He is always online but never replies to your text.… that may be a sign that he’s cheating.
2. He became more health conscious
You known you guy and his habits. If he takes a sudden interest in how he looks, his physical health, and even starts showering more, who is he trying to impress?
3. He spends time with his friends
Before he use to always go out with you but now he is always busy with his friends. Whether he’s going out “with friends” or has something come up with family, this could be a red flag that he’s really seeing someone else.
4. He is working on weekends
He was always free on weekends but now he has sudden work emergency. Is there any Big project that he didn’t tell you about in advance? If he starts working overtime and is out for hours even on weekends, he might not actually be working…
5. He avoids getting close to you
If you notice that your guy suddenly avoids intimacy with you, that’s a huge red flag. Some men who fear intimacy will cheat to feel like they still have power over their sex life, and some men cheat simply because they want someone “young and new”…
6. He became Selfish
If your man is self-indulgent and puts himself before everything, never compromising with you, he could be the kind of guy to cheat, as infidelity is a selfish act on it’s own.
7. He has lot of female friends on Social Media
Have you noticed him “liking” a lot of pictures on his Facebook? What about who he watches on Instagram? If they’re mostly hot young women, you can probably guess what’s on his mind…
8. He didn’t update his Social Media profile
After you met him you updated your profile to proudly show you met a guy you love… and he didn’t update his profile. That could be a sign he’s still looking for someone else.
9. He gets angry on pity issues
If your guy starts arguments with you, especially for silly reasons... Then he could be looking for an excuse to get away from you.
10. He needs “Privacy”
You thought he was comfortable with you knowing more about him and being close to him, But suddenly he starts needing more and more time by himself. What could he even be doing with all of that time alone? That might be a sign he’s cheating on you.
Also Read: What not to do while arguing with women
By M. Divya Shri