Fighting with women is not a new thing to the men. In fact, no man would escape from having it with his woman. Here I am not going to be teacher and teach you not to fight, but can suggest you, few tricks to the men, while women is in aggressive mood.
Don’t use the word ‘Relax’ or ‘Are you mad’
By using the word relax, you are reminding her that she is out of mood or out of control, while she thinks that she is really serious on what she is trying to prove.
Adding to it, even never ask, “are you mad”. That makes her feel that you are thinking, she is abnormal. Anything that puts the women down during the fight will be resisted with utmost sense of defense.
No expressions of love
Unwilling to turn the situation uglier, men sometimes, try to cool down the women telling 'I love you', or 'can I kiss you'. But such reactions irritates the women further and prolongs the fight. She will think that she is trying to play with her emotions.
Sex is something, the women enjoy when they are calm down and comfortable. So, using even any signs of such things, when she is aggressive would make the quarrel uglier.
Also read: 8 Things happen during love making, but are least bothered
Never remind her ex-relationships
Never ever mention about any of her ex-relationships, during fight. Even if she takes out your issues about your ex-girlfriends, you still maintain tight-lipped on her past relationships. The reason because, the women feel that you are using it as a trick to humiliate her, by remembering past life.
Do not apologize number of times
This is because, when you apologize number of times, the woman jumps into conclusion, that she is on the right track. Silence or balanced arguments would work well.
Do not pretend that you have least attention
Most of the men, after getting fed up with the argument, stop listening to their women. It is then, the wives consider that you least care about her and that hurts her more. Instead, make sure that you are active to her arguments, by making gestures, showing body language.
Fights should not be the stage, to impose your ideas, thoughts, demands and desires on other person. They are uncontrolled moments, which if, not dealt in mature way, would impact your entire life.
By Phani Ch