• Sri Lanka, Tamil, india bows to linguistic pressure votes for un resolution against lanka war crimes, War crimes

    India bows to linguistic pressure, votes for UN resolution against Lanka war crimes 22 March 2012

    Internal pressures do play affront at international scenes was much evident from what the PM did at Geneva in the UN council. This must be termed as linguistic victory of Tamil Nadu as all parties came on the same podium...

    Keywords: Sri Lanka, resolution on Lanka, resolution on Lanka, Geneva

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    tamil nadu sri lanka, war crimes sri lanka, jayalalitha writes to pm on alleged war crimes of sl, War crimes

    Jayalalitha writes to PM on alleged war crimes of SL 18 March 2013

    Tamil Nadu Chief minister J Jayalalitha has written to the prime minister Manmohan Singh on the alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. She has urged prime minister Manmohan Singh to take necessary steps and ensure that it moves a resolution against...

    Keywords: tamil nadu cm letter, jayalalitha cm, tamil nadu cm letter, manmohan singh tamil nadu cm

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    tamil nadu gossips, tamils in lanka, sri lankan tamil saga, War crimes

    Sri Lankan Tamil Saga 24 July 2012

    Sri Lankan Tamil saga is a sensitive chord that has been well-exploited by politicians. In fact there is not an incident that has not been attached to the sentiment. Parties have gone to an extent to putting the interests of...

    Keywords: tamil saga, quick flash from tamil nadu, tamil nadu news, tamil news

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    Palestine, Palestine, israel and palestine accused of possible war crimes by un, War crimes

    Israel and Palestine accused of possible war crimes by UN 23 June 2015

    An inquiry by the United Nations into the 2014 Gaza war has accused the Israeli and Palestinian factions of potential violations of international law including suspected war crimes. The commission, chaired by a former New York supreme court judge, Mary...

    Keywords: Gaza, UN, Israel, UN

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    War Crimes, Geneva, colombo just woke up to indian nuke post un, War crimes

    Colombo just woke up to Indian Nuke, post UN 11 April 2012

    Colombo’s vindictive stand against India is admonished. Colombo just woke up to the fact that Indian Nuke plants post the UN resolution, on war crimes. Sri Lanka had the big brother support from China while the resolution proposed by US...

    Keywords: resolution on Lanka, Tamil, Nuke Plants in India, AIADMK

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    Sri Lanka, against, colombo decides to go against unhrc, War crimes

    Colombo decides to go against UNHRC 27 March 2012

    Seriously contemplating over the issue the Lankan government felt that by accepting the UN resolution would only mean that staking their sovereignty. The crisis was much seen as the means to avoid introspection of the war crimes committed during the...

    Keywords: War crimes., War crimes., Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, UNHRC

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    captain saurabh kalia, indian army, kargil war hero saurabh kalia s family wants pakistan to apologize, War crimes

    Kargil war hero Saurabh Kalia's family wants Pakistan to apologize 28 November 2012

    The father of Captain Saurabh Kalia, who was captured and tortured by the Pakistan Army during the 1999 Kargil conflict, has moved the Supreme Court seeking its direction to the Union Government to raise his son's case in the International...

    Keywords: pakistani war crimes, indian war heros, indian war heros, pakistani war crimes

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    Lankan War crimes, domestic political issues, lankan war crimes sri lankan dailies criticise india, War crimes

    Lankan war crimes: Sri Lankan dailies criticise India 24 March 2012

    "India succumbed to US pressure to vote for the resolution, key Asian countries, including those representing SAARC and two UN Security Council members voted against it," it said. Sri Lankan dailies on Friday targetted India a day after it voted...

    Keywords: Lankan War crimes, domestic political issues, Lankan War crimes, US moved resolution

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