Vivek murthy

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  • Surgeon General, Sylvia Trent-Adams, us prez administration removes indo american surgeon general from position, Vivek murthy

    US Prez Administration Removes Indo-American Surgeon General From Position 22 April 2017

    To put its own leadership in place, the US President, Donald Trump’s administration has removed Indian-American Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, from his position. Murthy was appointed by the former President Barack Obama during his regime. The US Department of Health...

    Keywords: Surgeon General, Sylvia Trent-Adams, Vivek Murthy, Donald Trump

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    Vivek Murthy, Adobe Chief Shantanu Narayen, two indian americans to be honored with great immigrants award this year, Vivek murthy

    Two Indian-Americans To Be Honored With “Great Immigrants” Award This Year 01 July 2017

    Two Indian-Americans To Be Honored With “Great Immigrants” Award This Year:- Among the 38 immigrants, two Indian-Americans, Adobe Chief Shantanu Narayen and former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy are to be honored the “Great Immigrants” award this year. The award...

    Keywords: Vivek Murthy, Vivek Murthy, Adobe Chief Shantanu Narayen, Adobe Chief Shantanu Narayen

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