Vishal sikka

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  • Infosys declared its Q1 results, Infosys declared its Q1 results, infosys q1 results, Vishal sikka

    Infosys Q1 results 11 July 2014

    India's second largest IT company Infosys has declared its Q1 results and has surprised everyone. Infosys posted a profit of Rs 2,886 crore beating the estimates. Dollar revenue grew to USD 2113 millions lower than estimates however Infosys retained its...

    Keywords: Quick News, Quick News, Infosys New CEO Vishal Sikka, Infosys Q1 results

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    Vishal Sikka CEO Infosys, Infosys CEO, vishal sikka takes charge of infosys, Vishal sikka

    Vishal Sikka takes charge of Infosys 01 August 2014

    Vishal Sikka the new CEO of India's second largest IT services provider, took charge of the office on Friday.  On this eventful day, the new chief executive hoped that Infosys will bounce back to its real performance in the next...

    Keywords: Vishal Sikka CEO Infosys, Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka, Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka, Vishak Sikka Infosys

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    Vishal Sikka new, Infosys latest, infosys founder vishal sikka quits, Vishal sikka

    Infosys Founder Vishal Sikka Quits 18 August 2017

    Infosys Founder Vishal Sikka Quits:- The founder of Infosys, Vishal Sikka who has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has resigned from his services which left everyone in deep shock. However he will continue to serve the company till March...

    Keywords: Vishal Sikka, Infosys news, Vishal Sikka news, Infosys news

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    Infosys, Infosys, infosys dress code turns casual, Vishal sikka

    Infosys' Dress Code turns Casual 02 June 2015

    While many Indian IT firms get along with the regular formal dress code all the four days a week, Infosys’ to be CEO - Vishal Sikka initiated a casual dress code for his employees. Vishal Sikka, who will take charge...

    Keywords: Infosys, Vishal Sikka, Vishal Sikka, Vishal Sikka

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    Infosys Company, Infosys New CEO Salary, new infosys ceo salary 5 08 mn, Vishal sikka

    New Infosys CEO salary $ 5.08 mn 02 July 2014

    India's second largest software services exporter, Infosys Ltd will pay its new chief executive officer [CEO] Vishal Sikka USD 5.08 million in annual salary besides a stock option of USD 2 million, a package considered lower than global peers. The...

    Keywords: Infosys New CEO, Infosys Extraordinary General Meeting, Infosys, Infosys New CEO

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    Vishal Sikka latest update, Vishal Sikka, ex infosys ceo vishal sikka starts vian systems, Vishal sikka

    Ex-Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka Starts Vian Systems 22 May 2019

    Vishal Sikka, the former CEO of Infosys floated a startup named Vian Systems and has raised a capital of 50 million USD already. Vian Systems is registered in Palo Alto, California and it had made an offer of sale of...

    Keywords: Vishal Sikka updates, Vishal Sikka CEO, Vishal Sikka updates, Vishal Sikka CEO

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    Infosys CEO, Vishal Sikka, infosys ceo vishal sikka draws rs 43 crore salary in fy year 2016 2017, Vishal sikka

    Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka Draws Rs 43 crore Salary In FY Year 2016-2017 15 April 2017

    Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka, has drawn a salary of USD 6.68 million (about Rs 43 crore or or 61% of the promised compensation for the financial year (FY) 2016-17. The CEO’s pay package was one of the disputes raised by...

    Keywords: IT Major, Infosys, Narayan murthy, Vishal Sikka

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