• Lok Sabha, Lok Sabha, lagadapati resigns again, Viajyawada

    Lagadapati Resigns Again 21 October 2013

    Following the rejection of his resignation from the Membership of the Parliament Viajyawada MP Lagadapati Rajagopal submitted his resignation again to the Secretary General of the Parliament. Rajagopal reiterated that he is not under any pressure to resign.   Lok...

    Keywords: MP Lagadapati Rajagopal, MP Lagadapati Rajagopal, Lok Sabha, Lagadapati Rajagopal submits his resignation again

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    tirupati, maximum temparature, hottest day in andhra padesh, Viajyawada

    Hottest day in Andhra Padesh 31 March 2013

    Today temperature recorded highest during the season in Andhra Pradesh.   Kadapa stood highest in AP with 41 degrees followed by Nandyala, Kurnool, Anantapur, Rentachintala and Hanmakonda with 40 degrees. Hyderabad, Adilabad, Ramagundam and Tirupati recorded a maximum temperature of 38...

    Keywords: kakinada, viajyawada, kakinada, renta chintala

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