Unwanted hair

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  • Lemon, beauty tips, lemon and sugar removes the unwanted hair, Unwanted hair

    Lemon and Sugar removes the unwanted hair 25 June 2015

    Mixing up of Sugar, water and lemon is the perfect remedy to remove the unwanted hair on your face, which generally irritates.To remove the unwanted hair, follow the below procedure:Also read: Apply face decorators in this wayRequirements:Sugar- 2 tablespoonsFresh lemon...

    Keywords: Lemon, unwanted hair, Lemon, Lemon

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    look, homemade Vax, get rid of unwanted hair at home, Unwanted hair

    Get rid of Unwanted hair at home! 09 March 2012

    Tired of suffering from plucking all that extra hair, even shaving some times and not able to devote time going for a parlour for some reason? Then here is a path for you to get rid of all that unwanted...

    Keywords: homemade Vax, tips for unwanted hair, strips of fabric, strips of fabric

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