Union cabinet meeting

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  • BJP's Union cabinet meeting, Quick News, union cabinet to meet today, Union cabinet meeting

    Union cabinet to meet today 18 June 2014

    The Union cabinet will be meeting today at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's residence in Delhi. A decision on the Budget Parliament sessions will be taken and the date of sessions will also be finalized. Budget sessions are scheduled from July...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi's residence, Union cabinet to meet today, decision on Budget Parliament sessions, Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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    Cabinet meeting, Note on Telangana, telangana note before cabinet today evening, Union cabinet meeting

    Telangana Note Before Cabinet today evening? 03 October 2013

    The Union Cabinet meeting is going to take place in the evening at 5.30 today.  As per the information received from reliable sources, there is every chance of a Note on Telangana to get placed before the Cabinet in the...

    Keywords: Union Cabinet meeting, Congress, separate Telangana State, Telangana Note Before Cabinet

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    Union Cabinet Meeting, Union Cabinet dissolved AP Assembly, ap assembly dissolved, Union cabinet meeting

    AP Assembly dissolved 25 April 2014

    The Union Cabinet dissolved the Andhra Pradesh Assembly and has suggested to resume with the President's Rule. Though Parliament nod needed for President's Rule within two months by then election results will be declared. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chaired the...

    Keywords: President's Rule, Union Cabinet Meeting, President's Rule, AP Assembly dissolved

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    Cabinet meeting postponed, BJP, cabinet meeting postponed, Union cabinet meeting

    Cabinet meeting postponed 28 May 2014

    The Union cabinet meeting which is scheduled for today evening has been postponed to tomorrow at 11 AM. However no reasons for cited by the officials regarding this. The first Cabinet meeting of the newly elected Narendra Modi-led NDA government...

    Keywords: NDA government Cabinet meeting, Quick news, Quick news, NDA government Cabinet meeting

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    Coronavirus cabinet meet, Coronavirus cases, coronavirus row union cabinet meeting to be held tomorrow, Union cabinet meeting

    Coronavirus Row: Union Cabinet Meeting To Be Held Tomorrow 14 April 2020

    Coronavirus Row: Union Cabinet Meeting To Be Held Tomorrow:- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear that the lockdown will be implemented till May 3rd and he requested all the people to stay home to be safe. A strict...

    Keywords: Union cabinet, Coronavirus news, Coronavirus cabinet meet, Union cabinet

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    Union cabinet to hold first meeting, BJP, union cabinet to hold first meeting, Union cabinet meeting

    Union cabinet to hold first meeting 27 May 2014

    The new cabinet will be holding its first meeting which will be chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The meeting is scheduled at 5 PM at PM's office in South Block. Some vital decisions are heard to be taken in...

    Keywords: New Union Cabinet Meeting, New Cabinet Meeting, Quick News, New Union Cabinet Meeting

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    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, NDA Government, modi s 100 days formula, Union cabinet meeting

    Modi's 100 days formula 29 May 2014

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems like seriously focused in his work. At the union cabinet meeting today, Modi has directed his council of ministers to set a 100 days agenda which focuses on efficient governance, delivery and implementation of programmes....

    Keywords: NDA Government, Top Stories, 100 days agenda, Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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