Trs mlc swamy goud

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  • TRS MLC Swamy Goud, TRS, swamy goud elected as council speaker, Trs mlc swamy goud

    Swamy Goud elected as Council Speaker 02 July 2014

    TRS MLC Swamy Goud has been elected as the Chairman of the Council. The election for the Chairman post was held this morning and Swamy Goud secured 21 votes, interesting five Congress MLCs also voted for Swamy Goud. The more...

    Keywords: Swamy Goud elected as Chairman of Council, Election for Chairman of Council, Swamy Goud as Telanagana Council Chairman, TRS MLC Swamy Goud

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    TRS Swamy Goud, TRS government, swamy goud files nomination, Trs mlc swamy goud

    Swamy Goud files nomination 01 July 2014

    TRS MLC Swamy Goud has filed nomination for the Speaker post of Council short while ago. Though Congress leaders have appealed to Governor to postpone the election of the Council Speaker, its efforts went in vain. The ruling TRS government...

    Keywords: TRS government, TRS Swamy Goud, nomination for Speaker post of Council, Swamy Goud files nomination for Speaker post of Council

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