Thought provoking videos

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  • thought provoking videos, viral videos, see the world with no smoking, Thought provoking videos

    See the world with no smoking 06 April 2016

    The cigarette pack itself says that smoking is injurious to health and there are also several public boards, advertisements on TV and other types of media, which gives the similar message. All of them only concentrated on giving the message...

    Keywords: No smoking, viral videos, No smoking, viral videos

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    thought provoking videos, viral videos, girls behind rich prank proves again, Thought provoking videos

    Girls behind rich, prank proves again 25 May 2016

    If you are zero, people stay away from you, but if you are a hero, they surround you in no time. This logic can be best proved in a girlfriend case. Here is such a prank played on a stranger...

    Keywords: Prank girl friend, viral videos, prank videos, prank videos

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    viral videos, thought provoking videos, logic behind menstruating women and temples, Thought provoking videos

    Logic behind menstruating women and temples 26 March 2016

    Menstruating women in India, are not supposed to visit the temples, as they are considered as impure. What logic is this? Who actually introduced it and how can the women become impure, if they menstruate. Also read: Woman's jounrney from first...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, viral videos, viral videos, menstruation

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    thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, that guilt after killing someone, Thought provoking videos

    That guilt after killing someone 03 May 2016

    What if you are reason for someone’s death. Though you ended one’s life unintentionally, still the guilt you have, would never kills you step by step. Here is one such video, made by Mumbai traffic police. A man who was...

    Keywords: Mumbai traffic police guilt, Mumbai traffic police guilt, Guilt, Mumbai traffic police guilt

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    thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, what if your selfies earn you money, Thought provoking videos

    What if your selfies earn you money 13 May 2016

    Yes why not, when you are so much passionate about selfies and cannot stop your finger from moving onto the camera option on phone, after seeing a perfect location, this scheme is for you. Just for your selfies, someone offers...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, viral videos, Selfie money, thought provoking videos

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    social experiment videos, social experiment videos, social experiment abusing grandmother in public, Thought provoking videos

    Social experiment: Abusing grandmother in public 27 February 2016

    When she is not my grandmother, why should I care her, while she is being abused by her grandson! Do you think in this way, if at all you come across such situation in public?How far does the public react,...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, social experiment videos, thought provoking videos, viral videos

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    baby girl, thought provoking videos, baby girl s birth celebrations against traditions, Thought provoking videos

    Baby girl’s birth celebrations against traditions 22 January 2016

    Even after the world is advanced and the technology is ruling it and men and women are working competitively, there are still few discriminations between the gender. When a boy is born, the celebrations would be high and when it...

    Keywords: viral videos, thought provoking videos, viral videos, thought provoking videos

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    thought provoking videos, Son dream, realize your son has his own dreams, Thought provoking videos

    Realize, your son has his own dreams 30 May 2016

    When the son is not interested in the career, father is forcing him to go for, how would it be if the mother, backs the son, with the super crazy idea. Here is one such crazy mother, came up with...

    Keywords: viral videos, thought provoking videos, Son dream, viral videos

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    Thought provoking videos, Thought provoking videos, beggars need more than money, Thought provoking videos

    Beggars need more than money 06 February 2016

    No doubt money definitely satisfies the beggars for the time being. But that is not what all you can give to the beggars. Instead, if you can provide them, the means to earn that money, it would be helpful through...

    Keywords: beggars money, viral videos, beggars money, Thought provoking videos

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    Education classrooms, viral videos, remember there is education behind classrooms, Thought provoking videos

    Remember there is education behind classrooms 26 May 2016

    “Communicate correctly, because there is education beyond classrooms.” This message is what the video below gives. We come across, on the public streets, several hoardings, nameplates, flexies, with wrong spellings on it. Also read: Unconditional love between kids is adorable The intention...

    Keywords: viral videos, thought provoking videos, Education classrooms, thought provoking videos

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    viral videos, viral videos, done with holi now answer this question, Thought provoking videos

    Done with Holi? Now, answer this question 25 March 2016

    Done with your holi celebrations? Now let us know few things about the festival, which really makes you think twice. Here is a grown up son, asking his age old father about his requirements on Holi and the reply the...

    Keywords: Holi, thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos

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    photography, photography, confession after things go out of hand, Thought provoking videos

    Confession after things go out of hand 27 May 2016

    He is passionate about photography, loving to take a snap of every beautiful thing around him. But not to the surprise of many, the parents of such passionate kid, are against his passion and wants him to move forward with...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, viral videos

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    thought provoking videos, India’s first gay prince, meet india s 1st gay prince, Thought provoking videos

    Meet India’s 1st gay prince 11 March 2016

    Taking birth as a gay is not something people, but are offered by the god. Ignoring this fact, several gays are being shunned by the society, even in the advanced world like today. Also read: He was bullied for being gay,...

    Keywords: India’s first gay prince, gay, India’s first gay prince, India’s first gay prince

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    thought provoking videos, acid victims, never be the guy like this, Thought provoking videos

    Never be the guy like this! 16 February 2016

    Being eyed by the guys on your way to your work or even at a work place or any other place, where you regularly wander, could be an ex-flame. What if the situations go out of hand? Also read: Baby girl’s...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, acid victims, viral videos, viral videos

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    girlfriend strips, viral videos, girlfriend strips on camera, Thought provoking videos

    Girlfriend strips on camera 31 March 2016

    The love your girlfriend have on you, makes her do anything for you. Absolutely anything for you. But you should remember that she will do only for you, but not anyone else. When you ask her strip in front of...

    Keywords: viral videos, girlfriend strips, thought provoking videos, girlfriend strips

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    thought provoking videos, viral videos, talented but rejected why, Thought provoking videos

    Talented, but rejected, why? 09 March 2016

    Men or women are not born criminal, but are made so. The situations they face might have played a key role in their life, making them commit crime with no other option left. But once they are out of it,...

    Keywords: viral videos, viral videos, thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos

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    viral videos, change, change before it turns bizarre, Thought provoking videos

    Change before it turns bizarre 29 February 2016

    The change is not an item that you can find in a market and buy it if you need. It is that something, which you should start developing, before the situations go bizarre. Teasing and ragging girls is always on...

    Keywords: thought provoking videos, viral videos, thought provoking videos, viral videos

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    inspirational videos, thought provoking videos, journey from no to yes, Thought provoking videos

    Journey from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’ 25 April 2016

    A journey from success to failure is nothing but a journey from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’. When the world is continuously saying ‘No’, should that stop you from proving you to the world? Also read: See the world with no smoking No,...

    Keywords: inspirational videos, Journey, Journey, inspirational videos

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    thought provoking videos, thought provoking videos, time for the video resumes, Thought provoking videos

    Time for the video resumes! 15 April 2016

    Carrying printed resumes can only give a rough idea to the employers about you. So why not opt a video resume, where you can directly say, about your skills and what can you do in the range of salary you...

    Keywords: viral videos, viral videos, thought provoking videos, viral videos

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    thought provoking videos, road safety, road safety in romantic flavor, Thought provoking videos

    Road safety in romantic flavor 10 March 2016

    Road safety is on flexies, public boards, TV ads, but not actually in public minds, unless some serious issues take place in their lives. Adding to the list of such road safety teachings mentioned above, the viral video below, comes...

    Keywords: road safety, road safety, viral videos, viral videos

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