The achiever

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  • Chartered accountancy, C A Exams, hyderabad student blind but intelligent becomes ca, The achiever

    Hyderabad student, blind but intelligent becomes CA 23 January 2013

    Blindness is no hurdle for this Hyderabad student who accomplishes his long cherished dream by passing out on Monday as a Chartered Accountant. The undeterred student brings pride to the city and to the whole section of the 'visually challenged'...

    Keywords: Hyderabad student blind but intelligent becomes CA, Visually Challenged, CA results, Chartered accountancy

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    January 23, Blindness is no hurdle to become CA, blindness is no hurdle to become ca, The achiever

    Blindness is no hurdle to become CA 23 January 2013

    Blindness is no hurdle for this Hyderabad student who accomplishes his long cherished dream by passing out on Monday as a Chartered Accountant. The undeterred student brings pride to the city and to the whole section of the 'visually challenged'...

    Keywords: Chartered accountancy, Blindness is no hurdle to become CA, Devnar School for the Blind, Hyderabad student blind but intelligent becomes CA

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