Tiny sensor to snitch on termites 09 January 2012
A tiny sensor detects termites by 'hearing' them chew through wood and SMSing a pest control firm to nip the infestation in the bud. The device, called WiSPr (wireless smart probe network), can also detect termite activity in timber bridges...
Keywords: Tiny sensor, Adam Osseiran, Tiny sensor, Tiny sensor
Read MoreU.N. report says: Nutritious insects help fight obesity! 23 May 2013
The authors of a U.N. report published on Monday said that the health benefits of consuming nutritious insects could help fight obesity even though another prevalent factor remain unhidden that even a thought of eating beetles, caterpillars as well as...
Keywords: beetles, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Asia
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