• Bones Strong, soybeans, bone health in woman, Soybeans

    Bone health In Woman... 21 November 2012

    Sharing this article, that is worth ready for every Woman; For women, bone health begins at a young age. A woman acquires about 85 percent to 90 percent of her bone mass during childhood and adolescence. By age 18, her...

    Keywords: , , yogurt, Bones Strong

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    Soybean oil causes more obesity, Soybean oil an make you fatter than fructose and coconut oil, soybean oil can make people fat and diabetic study finds, Soybeans

    Soybean oil can make people fat and diabetic, study finds 24 July 2015

    The researchers from University of California at Riverside have revealed that soybean oil causes more obesity, diabetes, than fructose and coconut oil. The study was carried out in mice under the leadership of Assistant project scientist Poonamjot Deol. The mice...

    Keywords: Soybean oil causes more obesity, soybean oil results in obesity and diabetes, reasons for obesity, Soybean oil causes more obesity

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