Saraswati river

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  • Upanishads, Saraswati river, holy river saraswati river sprouts thousands gather, Saraswati river

    Holy river Saraswati river sprouts, thousands gather 09 May 2015

    The Saraswati River is one of the main rivers mentioned in the Rig Veda and later in Vedic and post-Vedic texts. It plays an important role in Hinduism. The Nadi Stuti hymn in the Rigveda mentions the Saraswati river between...

    Keywords: Hinduism, Rig Veda, Upanishads, Rig Veda

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    Guru (Jupiter), pushkaras, saraswati pushkaras from today, Saraswati river

    Saraswati Pushkaras from today 30 May 2013

    Pushkara festival for Saraswati River is organized at Kaleswaram Temple in Karimnagar District today.  The festival will be observed till June 30th.   Arrangements are made at Saraswati Temple on the banks of River Godavari taking in to account the heavy...

    Keywords: tribute to the river, Hamsa a divine bird, Guru (Jupiter), Parijatha a divine flower

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    Saraswati Temple, Karimnagar district, saraswati temple thronged by devotees, Saraswati river

    Saraswati Temple thronged by devotees 31 May 2013

    Basara Gnana Saraswati temple in the boarder of Andhra and Maharashtra States is thronged by devotees from the State and also from Maharashtra today.  As the holidays of the students is coming to an end, parents of small kids wanted...

    Keywords: devotees, devotees, temple rituals, Andhra Pradesh

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