Sangh parivar

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  • Shankardev Shishu Niketan, Vidya Bharati, sarfaraz hussain a muslim boy of rss school tops assam class x exams, Sangh parivar

    Sarfaraz Hussain a Muslim boy of RSS School tops Assam Class X exams 01 June 2016

    A Muslim student from a school run by Vidya Bharati, a Sangh Parivar institution, has topped the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination. Sarfaraz Hussain came top in the Class X exams by securing 590 marks out of 600. The...

    Keywords: Shankardev Shishu Niketan, Sangh Parivar institution, Vidya Bharati, Sarfaraz Hussain

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    BJP president Nitin Gadkari, Gadkari latest Controversy, controversy cat gets gadkari s tongue again, Sangh parivar

    Controversy Cat Gets Gadkari's Tongue, Again ! 05 November 2012

    BJP president Nitin Gadkari has a habit of proving himself  politically incorrect over and over again. And as they say habit never goes, in a  bizarre statement he compared the IQ of Swami Vivekananda with the notorious underworld don Dawood...

    Keywords: Gadkari latest comments, Gadkari latest comments, rss, Gadkari comparing Vivekananda and Dawood

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    Narendra Modi BJP candidate, Modi early life, indian cinderella modi wasn t always like this, Sangh parivar

    Indian Cinderella, Modi wasn't always like this 17 August 2013

    For those who don't know the true story of Modi, here you are. Presently a strong contender for the post of Prime Minister, Modi was not always like this. Before he found fame and wealth, he was a humble chai...

    Keywords: Gujarat economic growth., RSS campaigners, Modi teenage life, Gujarat economic growth.

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    Rana Pratap, Sangh parivar, rana pratap is to be recognized as the greatest, Sangh parivar

    Rana Pratap is to be recognized as the ‘Greatest’ 18 May 2015

    Union home minister Rajnath Singh has endorsed the Rajasthan government's move to introduce the erstwhile Mewar ruler Maharana Pratap as someone greater than the Mughal emperor Akbar. Towing the line of Sangh Parivaar's push for Hindu icons, Rajnath Singh asked...

    Keywords: Hindu, Rajnath Singh, pseudo secularists, Hindu

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