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  • olive oil, daily diet, health benefits of olive oil, Polyphenols

    Health benefits of olive oil 07 January 2014

    Most of us know that olive oil is healthy and have even incorporated it into our life. Here are some other facts about this healthy oil. Memory loss due to  Alzheimer's disease can be orevented by incorporating olive oil in...

    Keywords: Health, healthy oil, Health benefits, olive oil delays ageing

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    Oxidative stress, , chocolate and yoga, Polyphenols

    Chocolate and Yoga 08 May 2013

    A study shows that a piece of dark chocolate makes you calm and contented.  Oxidative stress causes many diseases to human beings and polyphenols is the solution to counter it which is found in plants and form part of human...

    Keywords: Chocolates, Chocolates, Calmness, Patanjali Yoga

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