Plastic surgeons

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  • chinplants, Smartphone face, smartphone face is on rise, Plastic surgeons

    'Smartphone face' is on rise 17 May 2012

    Are you an addict to mobile, laptop and what else, to all modern technologies? If so, you are at the risk of having sagging jowls, say aesthetic experts. As per the statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons...

    Keywords: mobiles, Smartphone face, modern technologies, mobiles

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    cosmeticians, ugly wife, wife sued for being ugly, Plastic surgeons

    Wife sued for being "ugly" 01 November 2012

    This picture above is not Photoshop wizardry; it is the magic spell cast by plastic surgeons and cosmeticians. Same woman before and after lots of surgeries, time and a hell lot of money. But, that didn't end her problems but...

    Keywords: plastic surgeons, ugly wife, cs6, photoshop cs6

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