Attarintiki Daredi movie piracy a gimmick? Seriously? 26 September 2013
Stay tuned for Attarinki Daredi Movie Review Seriously no! When the pirated content of Attarintiki Daredi was leaked to the public, distributors gave a hard time to the producers, saying the film lost its charm as most of it is...
Keywords: Attarintiki Daredi show timings, Attarintiki Daredi movie review, Attarintiki Daredi advance bookings, Pawanism
Read MoreAkhilesh Yadav in a Piracy Controversy! 03 January 2015
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav landed in piracy controversy when made a statement that he downloaded Aamir Khan's 'PK' movie. This ignited the piracy issue and many twitter users are lashing out at Akhilesh for misusing his power being...
Keywords: PK, Akhilesh Yadav, PK, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Office
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