Pen down strike

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  • Yashwant Sonawane, Maharashtra officers, maha officers on pen down strike, Pen down strike

    Maha officers on pen down strike 27 January 2011

    Protesting against the heinous crime of Maharashtra’s petroleum adulteration mafia which burnt alive the Nasik Additional District Collector Mr Yashwant Sonawane Maha officers during his raid on their hideouts three days ago, over 80,000 Gazetted officers in the state today...

    Keywords: pen down strike, pen down strike, Yashwant Sonawane, pen down strike

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    pen down strike, pen down strike, 10 lakh ap employees on pen down strike, Pen down strike

    10 lakh AP employees on pen down strike 19 January 2011

    The entire administrative machinery across Andhra Pradesh has come to a grinding halt as more than 10 lakh government employees including teachers began their three day pen down and tool down strike today. The Government employees, workers and teachers were...

    Keywords: AP employees, pen down strike, pen down strike, AP employees

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