Air power? No...'Ear' power...! 04 December 2012
The display of physical strength has been a key fascination for mankind. Be it the mighty Gladiators, Samurais or modern day Sumo wrestlers, all have one thing in common..doing things which are unthinkable for the rest of the people. Keeping...
Keywords: daredevil acts, bizarre news, extreme acts, Georgian pulls truck with ear
Read MoreTeacher fails in Maths, suspended 05 November 2014
In a bizarre incident, a primary school teacher failed to divide a numerical and was recommended to suspend. This incident took place in Uttar Pradesh where in a Basic Shiksha Adhikari [BSA] visited Harha primary school in Bidhanu and Patara...
Keywords: Patara, Uttar Pradesh schools, Patara, Bidhanu
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