• finger printing, Ahmad Hassanat, lip movements as your new password, Password

    Lip movements as your new password 06 October 2014

    A new study has found that every person moves their lips a little differently when they speak and this could be used as a "visual password" for biometric security. Ahmad Hassanat at the University of Mu'tah in Jordan has developed...

    Keywords: biometric security, biometric, biometric security, finger printing

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    bank password, driving, trust building exercises for married couples, Password

    Trust Building Exercises For Married Couples 29 November 2012

    Every time he gets a call and goes out of the room, you think he is having an affair. Every time she opens her mouth, you know it is to criticize you for something. Are you at that stage of...

    Keywords: bank password, bank password, dinner hostess, relationship

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    Passwords for mobile, , indians don t use passwords for mobile phones, Password

    Indians don't use passwords for mobile phones 20 July 2012

    Norton had recently revealed in a survey it had conducted that only 72% of the online population use mobile phones which is far lesser than the online population on computers. The survey was mainly targeted at studying the mobile habits...

    Keywords: studying the mobile habits of Indians, don't use passwords for mobile phones, studying the mobile habits of Indians,

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    Computer Jokes, Jokes, password incorrect, Password

    Password Incorrect 02 April 2015

    I decided to make my password "incorrect" because if I type it in wrong, my computer will remind me, "Your password is incorrect."

    Keywords: Computer Jokes, Technology Jokes, Computer Jokes, Computer Jokes

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    Wifi, link, engineer creates handy map shows airport wifi password, Password

    Engineer Creates Handy Map, Shows Airport Wifi Password 08 October 2016

    Are you bored sitting at the airport for hours? Do you want to surf internet on your phone but don't have internet in your phone? Then here is the solution. Travel blogger and computer security engineer Anil Polat has created...

    Keywords: airports, engineer, Wifi, engineer

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    Pinterest, OurMine Team, mark zuckerberg twitter and pinterest accounts hacked, Password

    Mark Zuckerberg Twitter and Pinterest Accounts Hacked 06 June 2016

    It’s high time you change your Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn passwords. Wondering why? Because recently there has been a group who is hacking all social accounts. Recently, even Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg's social network accounts were hacked.Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest...

    Keywords: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Pinterest

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    decoy documents, Password Trauma, password trauma software to eliminate it, Password

    Password trauma, software to eliminate it 20 March 2012

    May be soon the password trauma might eliminate with the defense authorities trying their best to revolutionize the password trauma with new software….. Even as the world moving forward on many fronts one infant ritual goes on with us till...

    Keywords: elimination of password., keystroke dynamics, elimination of password., elimination of password.

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    Love me, couples sharing every thing, love me then give me your password, Password

    Love me? Then give me your password...! 03 September 2012

    Gen-i has a new test for intimacy-sharing passwords. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't! A recent survey claims that 30% of teenagers who use the internet have shared at least one personal online password with a friend...

    Keywords: intimacy-sharing passwords, , intimacy-sharing passwords, BFFs share everything

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    anonymous, anonymous, anonymous twitter account hacked, Password

    Anonymous' Twitter account hacked 22 February 2013

    Anonymous, considered god of hacking among the online communities has fallen prey to rival and less popular group Rustle League who successfully managed to breach their Twitter accounts leaving Anonymous agape over the issue. Hactivists from Rustle League said they...

    Keywords: , Rustle league hacks, twitter account hacked, A poor password

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    social network, common passwords, 123456 is the most common password in 2016 report, Password

    '123456' is the Most Common Password in 2016: Report 16 January 2017

    According to a recent research,  numeric combination of '123456' was the most common password of 2016, followed by '123456789' and 'qwerty' in the year 2016. The study also found that four of the top 10 passwords on the list are...

    Keywords: social network, Password, Password, Password

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