P v narasimharao statue

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  • P.V.Narasimharao, Telangana Rashtra Samiti leader Harish Rao, pv ignored as he belongs to telangana, P v narasimharao statue

    PV ignored as he belongs to Telangana? 07 May 2013

    Telangana Rashtra Samiti leader Harish Rao remembered P.V.Narasimharao while commenting on NTR’s statue at Parliament unveiled.  He expressed his happiness for getting place for NTR in the Parliament but at the same time he also expressed his grief for completely...

    Keywords: P.V.Narasimharao, P.V.Narasimharao statue, PV’s statue, Telangana Rashtra Samiti leader Harish Rao

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