Obama to visit ap

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  • Barack Obama Office, PM Office, us prez barack obama to make historic visit, Obama to visit ap

    US Prez Barack Obama to make Historic Visit 03 December 2014

    United States President Barack Obama is likely to make a 'historic Trip' to visit India on the event of Republic day next month, which it will be exiting trip for the leader to make Indo-US relationship strong. India PM Narendra...

    Keywords: Modi Office, Barack Obama Office, Barack Obama Meet Narendra Modi, Barack Obama

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    US-Afghanisatan partnership agreement, Talibans, taliban revenge hit on kabul obama visit, Obama to visit ap

    Taliban revenge hit on Kabul - Obama visit 03 May 2012

    United States President, Barack Obama’s secret visit to Afghanisatan on the death anniversary of Osama bin Laden on Wednesday resulted in retaliation by Taliban bombers attacking a fortified guesthouse being used by Westerners in Kabul. They have announced the start...

    Keywords: US military camp, Barack Obama, US President, Talibans

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    gaza strip rockets, gaza strip, rockets hit israel as obama visits nation, Obama to visit ap

    Rockets hit Israel as Obama visits nation 21 March 2013

    From the Gaza Strip run by Hamas, two rockets were fired into Israel on Thursday. The rockets landed in South Israel at a house and another at an open field. The accident occurs right after US President Barack Obama has...

    Keywords: gaza border, rockets fired from gaza, gaza strip rockets, gaza strip rockets

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