• Mars Orbiter Mission, Mangalyaan mission, mom never disappoints, Newton

    MOM never disappoints 24 September 2014

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Indian Space Research Organization [ISRO] scientists on the success of Mars Orbiter Mission [MOM].India became the first Asian country to reach Mars and also the first in the world to enter Martian orbit in its...

    Keywords: ISRO, Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, Mangalyaan mission, ISRO

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    group 1, newton, indian math genie solves 350 year old problem, Newton

    Indian 'math-genie' solves 350-year old problem 27 May 2012

    What was intriguing the mathematicians and physicists for centuries has been solved by an Indian boy settled in Dresden Germany. The 16-year-old, Shouryya Ray moved into the country from Kolkata at 12 and settled there, admits that it was his...

    Keywords: cbse, Shouryya Ray, math-genie., math-genie.

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    Staffordshire, Staffordshire, rare works of newton found, Newton

    Rare works of Newton found! 04 February 2013

    A British schoolboy, last week, found a dusty box of books discarded at the bottom of a cupboard turned out to contain rare works of Sir Isaac Newton. 16-year-old Will Garside, the physics student of Newcastle-under-Lyme School, Staffordshire said that...

    Keywords: Staffordshire, Julie Hesketh, british school boy found newton rare works, Lyme School

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