Negative feelings

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  • Emotional feelings, negative feelings, deal with negative feelings, Negative feelings

    Deal with negative feelings 27 June 2013

    Number of negative emotional feelings are related to fear at the same time all positive ones are related to love, thus, doubt, anger, envy, vengeance, shame and jealousy are a form of fear on the other hand, trust, compassion, joy,...

    Keywords: envy, deal with emotional feelings, thus, thus

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    skin care products, skin care, change your beauty routine to look younger, Negative feelings

    Change your beauty routine to look younger 12 January 2013

    If you believe small changes can make big difference, this mantra is not only for your life, but also to get a beautiful and younger looking skin. All you have to do is making and welcome certain changes in your...

    Keywords: younger skin, younger skin, skin care, skin specialist

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