Music director ilayaraja

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  • ilayaraja biography, rudramadevi movie ilayaraja, ilayaraja music to woe guna s rudramadevi, Music director ilayaraja

    Ilayaraja music to woe Guna's 'Rudramadevi'... 15 November 2012

    I suppose, every now and then, socio-fantasy or mythological films or the stories those highlight dynamic personalities of our traditions are mandatory to be made into films, say these are a relief from the regular stereo type flicks. Apart from...

    Keywords: ilayaraja family, music director ilayaraja, ilayaraja, music director ilayaraja

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    Music director ilayaraja, Ilearaja, ilayaraja a man with a great heart, Music director ilayaraja

    Ilayaraja, ‘A Man with a Great Heart’ 12 July 2011

    Music Maestro Ilayaraja, is considered to be a idol for Music. The Music Director has got his set of followers, worldwide. We all know apart from being a Legendary Music Director, Ilayaraja is a ‘Man with a Great Heart’ too....

    Keywords: Ilearaja, Ilearaja, Ilearaja, Music director ilayaraja

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    yeto vellipoyindi manasu, yeto vellipoindi manasu movie preview, ilayaraja s music to be bliss for yeto vellipoyindi manasu, Music director ilayaraja

    Ilayaraja's music to be bliss for 'Yeto Vellipoyindi manasu'... 04 December 2012

    Gautam Menon's prestigious project, 'Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu' that is being made in Tamil simultaneously titled Neethaane En Ponvasantham... The movie is scheduled for a release this month 14th, in both the languages. Samantha being the lead lady in both the...

    Keywords: yeto vellipoindi manasu movie preview, goutham menon yeto vellipoindi manasu, music director ilayaraja, ilayaraja

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