Moscow airport

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  • Moscow airport, The Guardian newspaper, snowden documents accommodates nsa blueprints, Moscow airport

    Snowden documents accommodates NSA blueprints 15 July 2013

    A journalist close to the intelligence leaker expressed saying on Sunday, Edward Snowden has very emotional sensibility "blueprints" particularization on how the National Security Agency operates that would give permission to someone who read them to escape by cleverness otherwise...

    Keywords: Moscow airport, Moscow airport, Snowden documents accommodates NSA blueprints, NSA blueprints

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    Moscow Airport, Moscow Airport, edward snowden walks out of airport, Moscow airport

    Edward Snowden walks out of airport 02 August 2013

    Russia has finally granted  the fugitive-in-flee Edward Snowden temporary asylum. The US intelligence whistleblower was seen leaving the Moscow airport shortly after the news was relayed. He had been staying there since his arrival in the city in June. Mr...

    Keywords: US intelligence whistleblower, Russia grants Snowden temporary shelter, WikiLeaks, Russia grants Snowden temporary shelter

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