Malaysia based maxis group

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  • CBI raids on Marans, Raids on Sunitha reddy of Apollo Group, value labs behind funds transfer to sun dth, Malaysia based maxis group

    Value Labs behind funds transfer to Sun DTH? 11 October 2011

    As the CBI is going deep into the investments made by the Malaysian based Maxis business group into the Sun DTH owned by the former communications minister Mr Dayanidhi Maran and his brother Kalanidhi Maran, more skeletons are tumbling out...

    Keywords: Raids on Value Labs, Value labs CEO Arjun Rao, CBI raids on Value Labs, CBI raids on Value Labs

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    CBI raids on Marans, Boat club area chennai, cbi raids on marans create high drama, Malaysia based maxis group

    CBI raids on Marans create high drama 11 October 2011

    High drama ensued when the CBI sleuths went to the residences and offices of former Union Minister Dayanidhi Maran and his brother Kalanidhi Maran in the Boat Club area of Chennai on Monday in connection with the FIRs registered against...

    Keywords: Dayanidhi Maran, Raids on Value Labs, Harini rao, Value labs CEO Arjun Rao

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