• life style news, Large eyes, makeup tricks to make your eyes appear wider, Large eyes

    Makeup tricks to make your eyes appear wider 02 July 2014

    Large eyes are considered to be beautiful. Women with large look beautiful and also considered to be pretty. But not all women are born with large eyes. Read on to know how to use makeup skilfully to make your eyes...

    Keywords: make your eyes appear wider, life style news, make your eyes look bigger, life style news

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    Eye mackup, beautyful eyes, more volume to eye with proper eye make up, Large eyes

    More volume to Eye, with proper eye make – up! 11 February 2012

    Eyes speak our mind and to add more volume to the same can be tagged as eye make-up. Appears to be very simple, but putting on a proper eye make – up is quite a difficult task. Okay, more than...

    Keywords: Eye mackup, Eye mackup, Good looking eyes,

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