Labour reforms

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  • decline in business confidence, cost of capital, business confidence declined cii survey, Labour reforms

    Business confidence declined: CII survey 30 January 2012

    Stagnation in investment plans had emerged as a key concern in the current macro-economic scenario. The survey further reveals that firms have reported a slowdown in sales, new orders, production and pre-tax profits in Q3 2011-12 as compared to Q2...

    Keywords: CII survey, taxation regime, Chandrajit Banerjee, Chandrajit Banerjee

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    Labour ministry, Labour ministry, unilateral labour reforms are anti worker, Labour reforms

    Unilateral labour reforms are anti-worker 16 May 2015

    Trade unions strongly protested against some of the proposed amendments to labour laws stating that these “unilateral” reforms are anti-worker. “These labour reforms are unilateral and anti-worker. We are most likely to decide the date for nationwide strike at the...

    Keywords: Trade unions, Labour ministry, Labour reforms, Labour ministry

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