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  • Kochadaiyaan news, Kochadaiyaan updates, kochadaiyaan landmark in indian panorama, Kochadaiyaan pictures

    Kochadaiyaan, landmark in Indian panorama 04 August 2012

    Kochadaiyaan will be India's first 3D film with motion capturing technology.  As per sources the film would be having a four-city world premiere in which the Superstar and Deepika are to be present. And one of the city that is...

    Keywords: Rajnikanth, Vikrama Simha, Vikrama Simha, Kochadaiyaan photos

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    Vikrama Simha, Kochadaiyaan latest., will superstar act after k, Kochadaiyaan pictures

    Will Superstar act after 'K'! 07 August 2012

    There are wide spread rumours that Kochadaiyaan acted by Superstar Rajnikanth will be his  last full length film. But Superstar rubbishes that rumor, say sources. However Kochodaiyaan is in the news from day one as usual. And now the premier...

    Keywords: Kochadaiyaan movie review, Kochadaiyaan updates, Kochadaiyaan news, Kochadaiyaan latest.

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    KOCHADAIYAAN 12 March 2014

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