K ravinder reddy

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  • Mecca Masjid blasts case judge, Mecca Masjid blasts case latest, mecca masjid verdict judge resigns says personal reasons, K ravinder reddy

    Mecca Masjid Verdict Judge Resigns, Says Personal Reasons 17 April 2018

    Mecca Masjid Verdict Judge Resigns, Says Personal Reasons:- A Special NIA Court in Hyderabad revealed the verdict in the Mecca Masjid blasts case and in a shocking move, the judge revealed that all the five accused in the blast case...

    Keywords: Mecca Masjid blasts case news, Mecca Masjid blasts case judge, Mecca Masjid blasts case latest, Mecca Masjid blasts case latest

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    Sirpur Kagajnagar MLA K. Sammaiah, TRS, trs suspends 3 mlas from party, K ravinder reddy

    TRS suspends 3 MLAs from party 21 March 2011

    The TRS leadership has suspended three of its MLAs for indulging in cross voting during the MLC elections held from the constituency of MLAs. The party announced that Ellareddy MLA E. Ravinder reddy, Korutala MLA K. Vidyasagara Rao and Sirpur...

    Keywords: Korutala MLA K. Vidyasagara Rao, Ellareddy MLA E. Ravinder reddy, cross voting in Legislative Council elections, suspension of three MLAs

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