Jama masjid

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  • Ramadan month, Fasting in Ramadan month, soup in place of dates at mosques for devotees on fast, Jama masjid

    Soup in place of dates at Mosques for devotees on fast 18 July 2013

    Daylong fasting of the devotees in the month of Ramadan usually break their fast in the evening after the prayers are completed with dates and water as per the custom coming from Muslim countries. But Vijayawada has a local following...

    Keywords: Soup in Mosques, Local Jawa soup for devotees, Local Jawa soup for devotees, Soup to break fast at Vijayawada

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    Local Jawa soup for devotees, jawa keeps body cool, jawa at mosques in place of dates, Jama masjid

    Jawa at Mosques in place of dates 18 July 2013

    Daylong fasting of the devotees in the month of Ramadan usually break their fast in the evening after the prayers are completed with dates and water as per the custom coming from Muslim countries. But Vijayawada has a local following...

    Keywords: Local Jawa soup for devotees, Fasting in Ramadan month, Jama Masjid, Local Jawa soup for devotees

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    Jama Masjid, Jama Masjid, pm modi to meet saarc leaders, Jama masjid

    PM Modi to meet SAARC leaders 27 May 2014

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi will begin his first day of office meeting the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation [SAARC] leaders who arrived yesterday for the swearing ceremony. Among them, meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in top...

    Keywords: SAARC leaders, Nawaz Sharif, Narendra Modi to meet Nawaz Sharif, Narendra Modi to meet Nawaz Sharif

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