Intelligence officer

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  • intelligence officer, Spy, working as an intelligence officer is the new trend for youngsters, Intelligence officer

    Working as an Intelligence officer is the new trend for youngsters 22 June 2015

    Young boys and girls, from highly educated backgrounds such as MBAs, advocates, IT specialists having qualifications of BE, BTech and MTech, accountants, science graduates and PGs, doctors and even pharma engineers are joining IB to become "spies". Many of them...

    Keywords: intelligence officer, intelligence officer, IB, national security

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    assistant central intelligence officer jobs, vacancies intelligence bureau, jobs openings in intelligence bureau, Intelligence officer

    JOBS: Openings in Intelligence Bureau 14 October 2014

    Intelligence Bureau [IB] has published a notification for hiring of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer which is a Grade II, Executive post. IB has called upon eligible candidates to apply and a total of 750 vacancies will be filled in this recruitment...

    Keywords: vacancies intelligence bureau, vacancies intelligence bureau, assistant central intelligence officer jobs, vacancies intelligence bureau

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