• Arnold van Huis, Africa, u n report says nutritious insects help fight obesity, Insects

    U.N. report says: Nutritious insects help fight obesity! 23 May 2013

    The authors of a U.N. report published on Monday said that the health benefits of consuming nutritious insects could help fight obesity even though another prevalent factor remain unhidden that even a thought of eating beetles, caterpillars as well as...

    Keywords: World Health Organisation, health benefits of consuming nutritious insects, obesity, U.N. Report

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    Speakers in the Shapes of Birds and Insects, Expo Exhibition at Taj Krishna, speakers in the shapes of birds and insects, Insects

    Speakers in the Shapes of Birds and Insects 26 November 2013

    An Expo at Taj Krishna displaying speakers in different shapes of different species are attractive in their color combinations and shapes. The speakers just like normal speakers are available with a provision to play with the help of a pen...

    Keywords: Expo Exhibition at Taj Krishna, Speakers in the Shapes of Birds and Insects, Exhibition at Taj Krishna, Speakers in the Shapes of Birds and Insects

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    disinfecting wardrobe, Bugs, how to disinfect wardrobe, Insects

    How to disinfect wardrobe? 27 June 2014

    All sorts of bugs may find their way in your wardrobe, find out ways to annihilate them. Your favourite clothes can meet an untimely destruction no thanks to creepy crawlies or insects who like the wooden wardrobe too much. But...

    Keywords: disinfecting wardrobe, disinfecting wardrobe, wardrobe and insects, disinfectants

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