Infosys company

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  • Infosys company, ‘middle child’- Infosys, work for infosys rupee 1 per year, Infosys company

    Work for Infosys @ Rupee 1/- per year! 01 June 2013

    N.R.Narayana Murthy who retired from Infosys in 2011 was called back to reins of the company as the Executive Chairman of the Company.  He is appointed as the Executive Chairman for 5 years effective from June 1 and K.V.Kamath who...

    Keywords: Infoscion, non-executive Chairman of Infosys, Executive Assistant, non-executive Chairman of Infosys

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    Infosys New CEO Salary, Infosys New CEO, new infosys ceo salary 5 08 mn, Infosys company

    New Infosys CEO salary $ 5.08 mn 02 July 2014

    India's second largest software services exporter, Infosys Ltd will pay its new chief executive officer [CEO] Vishal Sikka USD 5.08 million in annual salary besides a stock option of USD 2 million, a package considered lower than global peers. The...

    Keywords: Infosys New CEO, Infosys, Quick news, Infosys New CEO

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