India news update

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  • chotigwal-toli, atm crime, counterfeited currency notes deposited in atm, India news update

    Counterfeited currency notes deposited in ATM! 25 May 2013

    HDFC Bank on 23rd May was known to have handed over to the local police fake currency notes worth exceeding Rs 3.60 lakh which have been deposited in the bank's various ATMs in the district, as explained by the police....

    Keywords: atm crime, counterfeited currency notes deposited in atm, atm crime, untrue currency notes deposited in atm

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    indian economy development, indian development, india s outgrowth slackens in speed, India news update

    India's outgrowth slackens in speed! 01 June 2013

    There have been a deterioration in India's economic development due to the fact of its slowest rate of movement in a decade for the current fiscal year, moving unsteadily surrounded by government proving unsuccessful to act on planned improvement to...

    Keywords: india's economic development critically relaxed, india's economic development critically relaxed, consumer expenses in india, india's outgrowth slackens in speed

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    india at jeopardy of flood, critical flood in india, india at jeopardy of flood, India news update

    India at jeopardy of flood! 10 June 2013

    According to a research, due to the advancement of carbon emissions in parts of India, China, South-east Asia, East Africa along with the northern Andes would ensure them falling into a higher risk of extreme floods. Furthermore, the global warming...

    Keywords: india news update, india at dangerous chance of flood, flood scenario in india, chile

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    national crime update, Guinness record, opposition slams government over railway bribery case, India news update

    Opposition slams government over railway bribery case! 04 May 2013

    Absolutely blowing out at the government for the declared involvement of the Railway Minister's nephew in a bribery case, the opposition parties on Saturday demanded that Pawan Kumar Bansal step down on moral grounds. Furthermore, BJP charged the government with...

    Keywords: raliway minister nephew, national news, Railway Minister nephew arrested for taking Rs 90 lakh bribe, Railway Board

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    national news headline, Mahim area, multi storey apartment broken down in mumbai, India news update

    Multi-storey apartment broken-down in Mumbai! 11 June 2013

    A multi-storey apartment block known to have broken-down in the Mahim area in central Mumbai while arousing threatening danger of having people trapped inside. The incident occurred on Monday evening which was on the preceding day of heavy monsoon rains...

    Keywords: Mumbai, Multi-storey apartment collapsed in Mumbai, national news headline, India news headline

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