India meteorological department

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  • Met Department, Traffic Jams, delhi doused in the heaviest rains this monsoon, India meteorological department

    Delhi doused in the heaviest rains this monsoon 21 August 2012

    On Tuesday morning, there were thousands of people who were stranded in the traffic jams with heaviest rainfalls of the monsoon this year. Most parts of the city turned mucky but the Met Department foresees that the city would have...

    Keywords: Met Department, National, Traffic Jams, National

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    new delhi, new delhi, delhi faces heavy shower and a thunderstorm threat, India meteorological department

    Delhi faces heavy shower and a thunderstorm threat! 23 February 2013

    Saturday morning was a rainy in the capital with the temperature declining settling five notches above average at 14.9 degrees Celsius. In fact, the Met Office has forecast more rain and possibility of thunderstorm during the evening. Moreover, the skies...

    Keywords: new delhi thunderstorm, India Meteorological Department, new delhi, thunderstorm in delhi

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