Are you cursing yourself? 12 February 2013
We curse ourselves, we are angry with us, on our inability of not doing or achieving something. That’s it, we consider ourselves as failures, we abuse us and it’s like we hate the way we are. But what is the...
Keywords: change your life style, exercising regularly, failures, inability
Read MoreCorporate Sustainability Reporting - An Emerging Area for Corporate Sustenance (Part I) 26 March 2012
Sustainability reporting is an emerging area in the field of Corporate Reporting. This framework imposes upon the corporate to disclose their sustainability strategy in pre-defined framework apart from the financial numbers at the end of the financial year. The reporting...
Keywords: corporate sustenance., corporate sustainability Reporting, corporate sustainability Reporting, corporate sustainability Reporting
Read MoreCorporate Social Sustainability- The Relevance of Global Reporting Index (Part II) 27 March 2012
The Global Reporting Index measures the performance of the Corporate on certain defined criteria. A vague parallel can be drawn to the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for measuring the financial performance of...
Keywords: Institute of chartered Accounta, Social Sustainability, Institute of chartered Accounta, Global reporting Index
Read MoreCabinet Okays National Manufacturing Policy 27 October 2011
The Cabinet approved the revised proposal of the National Manufacturing Policy put forth by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. A revised note incorporating the recommendations of the GoM has been approved by the...
Keywords: job creation, productive environment, 220 million people working age group, productive environment
Read MoreHRC says it can’t stop Group-1 exams 24 September 2011
The state human rights commission (HRC) today expressed its inability to get the APPSC group-1 examinations cancelled or postponed saying the issue doesn’t come under its purview. As the state government is going ahead with the conduct of the Group-1...
Keywords: HRC group 1 exams, HRC, Group-1 examinations, The state human rights commission (HRC) today expressed its inability to get the APPSC group-1 examinations cancelled or postponed saying the issue doesn’t come under its purview
Read MoreA cigarette a day can take you away from wife! 25 June 2012
Are you a smoker? If yes, then beware! Holding a burning butt of a cigarette and walking down the lane might be a pleasure for you, but is it at the cost of the pleasure you get in bed? Certainly...
Keywords: inability to attain erection, smoking leads to impotence, inability to attain erection, smoking
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