Drink more water

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  • Tips to drink more water, water effect on skin, keep drinking this beauty secret, Drink more water

    Keep drinking this beauty secret 17 September 2013

    Drinking your way to a beautiful skin sounds very simple, we agree. But, there are some who find it very hard to have more than a liter of water a day. Check out these easy breezy methods to get more...

    Keywords: benefits of water on skin, Tips to drink more water, how to drink more water, Tips to drink more water

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    struggle skin, , fight the summer heat, Drink more water

    Fight the summer heat 28 March 2013

    Summer is on and so our beauty care routine in this tough season. we are on with our beauty care routine in summer, keeping aside all the beauty products that proved to be bliss for us in winter season.  Apart...

    Keywords: winter season, drink more water, attracts hat, summer heat

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    Get rid of those hefty arms and upper body, keeps you hydrated, get rid of those hefty arms and upper body, Drink more water

    Get rid of those hefty arms and upper body! 12 June 2012

    Those over flooded arms and upper body would tend to bother more Indian Woman of average height... that's not all, this un even body type of yours might be a hurdle to best body traits of yours as well... just...

    Keywords: Drink more water, Get rid of those hefty arms and upper body, water helps lubricate the joints, keeps you hydrated

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