• cool drinks, pet bottle, coke problems, Diet coke

    Coke problems 01 March 2013

    Soft drinks are a way to kill the time, an ice breaker in a conversation and much more.. sure! But until and unless you are at an expensive restaurant what you drink from the bottle or tin might not be...

    Keywords: soft drinks, pet bottle, cool drinks, soft drinks

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    coke, coke, coca cola vs pepsi wars begin again, Diet coke

    Coca-Cola vs Pepsi wars begin again 20 March 2013

    Losing all the media advertising rights to Pepsi which bagged a Rs 150 Cr marketing deal with the Indian Premier League, IPL 6, to begin soon, Coca-Cola has its plans to reclaim lost ground with its extensive marketing strategies. The...

    Keywords: cocacola pet bottle, pepsi, diet coke, diet coke

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    sugar, sugar, diet coke will not help prevent diabetes, Diet coke

    Diet Coke Will Not Help Prevent Diabetes 21 October 2016

    Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy and avoid many foods and drinks which contain more amount of fat or carbohydrate. But if one have sugary drinks for their diet alternative this can also cause of more calorie intake. Yes,...

    Keywords: Diabetes, study, Diabetes, Diabetes

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