Non vegetarian chocolates? 06 February 2013
Are you a person who wish to dig your teeth into chocolate bars every time? If yes then you need to be a complete non vegetarian. In case you are a vegan and gorge on chocolates, then you can no...
Keywords: coco seeds insect filth, coco seeds insect dropping, no chocolates, non vegetarian chocolates
Read MoreToo serious about beauty? Chill! 20 August 2013
Take a chill pill all you serious people out there. You know stress affects your skin badly. Ok, so you have religiously stuck to your strict diet and exercise routine. But, there is another contributor to good health and beauty....
Keywords: soak up vitamin D, why walking is healthy, relaxing while busy, bonding with nature
Read MoreChocolate and Yoga 08 May 2013
A study shows that a piece of dark chocolate makes you calm and contented. Oxidative stress causes many diseases to human beings and polyphenols is the solution to counter it which is found in plants and form part of human...
Keywords: Calmness, Chocolate and Yoga, piece of dark chocolate, piece of dark chocolate makes you calm and contented
Read MoreDark Chocolate prevent Heart problems 05 June 2012
According to a new study the British Medical Journal describes the confection's effectiveness at preventing cardiovascular events for people with metabolic syndrome. Two-thousand thirteen people who met the criteria for metabolic syndrome joined the ten-year study. "Dark chocolate may be...
Keywords: health effects, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease
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