No theatres in online booking for Damarukam 21 November 2012
With Nagarjuna coming before the public and confirming the release date of Damarukam movie, people awaiting this flick had all reasons to smile. But then they were apparently confused and restless after they noticed that no theatre (except Tiwoli Extreme...
Keywords: damarukam 23rd, anushka nagarjuna, damarukam release, anushka damarukam
Read MoreDamarukam on 23? 21 November 2012
Damarukam movie release date has been announced officially. The news posters have hit the streets on which it was written 'world wide grand release on November 23." Notably, this is the fourth time that a film got a release date....
Keywords: damarukam movie release, damarukam movie release, damarukam movie release, damarukam release
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