Counterfeit currency

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  • plastic notes, plastic 10 rupees notes, plastic notes as pilot project, Counterfeit currency

    Plastic notes as pilot project 10 July 2012

    To put a check to the increasing counterfeit currency, the Reserve Bank of India has working towards releasing plastic notes in the place of present paper notes. As a part of the same, the RBI is all set to introduce...

    Keywords: RBI, counterfeit currency, plastic notes, RBI

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    counterfeit currency, gang, counterfeit currency gang busted, Counterfeit currency

    Counterfeit currency gang busted 25 April 2012

    The incidents of counterfeit currency and fake credit cards are coming into news frequently. A similar incident came to light in Karimnagar district on Wednesday.  The police arrested a gang that was allegedly printing counterfeit currency. The police has said...

    Keywords: gang, Karimnagar district, counterfeit currency, gang

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