Congress meeting gandhi bhavan

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  • congress coordination committee meeting, congress meeting gandhi bhavan, ministers letter to botsa, Congress meeting gandhi bhavan

    Ministers' letter to Botsa 15 December 2012

    Ministers from Telangana region, who met PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana and discussed with him widely on matters pertaining to statehood, have handed over a letter to PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana which they want him to give it to Sonia Gandhi....

    Keywords: congress coordination committee meeting, letter to sonia gandhi, congress meeting gandhi bhavan, letter to sonia gandhi

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    gandhi bhavan gulam nabi azad, coordination committee meeting, what s cooking in congress, Congress meeting gandhi bhavan

    What's cooking in Congress? 15 December 2012

    Ministers from Telangana region have met PCC Botsa Satyanarayana this morning and discussed for about an hour. This meeting gained prominence in the wake of the coordination committee meeting, which is going to take place this evening. Sources said that...

    Keywords: coordination committee meeting, coordination committee meeting, gandhi bhavan gulam nabi azad, botsa satyanarayana meeting

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