Congress core committee telangana

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  • Telangana issue UPA partners, Congress core committee Telangana issue, cong to consult upa partners on t issue, Congress core committee telangana

    Cong to consult UPA partners on T issue 29 October 2011

    The congress core committee, which discussed the Telangana issue Friday evening, decided to consult the UPA Government partners before asking the Centre to act on the issue. The meeting, held at the residence of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh in...

    Keywords: Congress core committee Telangana issue, Congress core committee Telangana issue, Telangana issue UPA partners, Discussions on Telangana issue

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    Telangana agitation, KCR meet with PM, hectic activity on in delhi over telangana, Congress core committee telangana

    Hectic activity on in Delhi over Telangana 01 October 2011

    For the second day today, Delhi is witnessing lot of activity on Telangana issue with consultations going on among various AP political groups which are camping in the country’s capital seeking a quick solution to the nagging problem. The pro-Telangana...

    Keywords: KCR in Delhi, KCR meet with PM, talks on Telangana, all people’s strike

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