Co sourcing

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  • india bpo market, bpo, union budget india down in bpo sector, Co sourcing

    Union Budget: India down in BPO sector 01 March 2013

    India which was once the BPO capital of the world is now losing its charm among the Westerners. Once the most attractive option to the world for its Business Process Oursourcing solutions, India has been losing its position since the...

    Keywords: india bpo market, bpo market, bpo market, bpo

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    HCL, MindTree, indian techies to lose as americans want their jobs, Co sourcing

    Indian techies to lose as Americans want their jobs 10 August 2011

    As the threat of recession loomed large over the economy of the US, a hue and cry has begun in that country demanding the corporate giants to create more jobs for locals. Most of the Americans feel that their MNCs...

    Keywords: outsourcing, GE, Co-sourcing, prized software jobs

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    ITIL, TCS, tcs gets 5 year multi million s contract from deutsche bank, Co sourcing

    TCS gets 5 year multi million $s contract from Deutsche Bank. 20 September 2011

    Tata Consultancy Services has been choosed by Deutsche Bank as a necessary partner for their production management changeover action,within their capital markets business unit,So To achieve this Change over,TCS will transfer a global service desk, service operations and all other ...

    Keywords: Multi Million Dollar contract, outsourcing, global service desk, Multi Million Dollar contract

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    Aon Hewitt, Salary Increase Survey, indian employees to get 11 9 salary hike in 2012 survey, Co sourcing

    Indian employees to get 11.9% salary hike in 2012: Survey 22 February 2012

    India would see the highest salary increase in the Asia Pacific region, followed by China and the Philippines, which are likely to see 9.5 per cent and 6.9 per cent salary hikes, respectively, in 2012. India has topped the list...

    Keywords: Aon Hewitt, Financial Institutions, Aon Hewitt, Aon Hewitt

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    APSRTC outsourcing employees, APSRTC new updates, apsrtc removes 6000 contract employees, Co sourcing

    APSRTC Removes 6000 Contract Employees 15 May 2020

    APSRTC Removes 6000 Contract Employees:- The ongoing crisis had a huge impact on all the businesses. The government-run Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) removed 6000 contract employees from their positions. The buses are restricted to the depots from...

    Keywords: APSRTC latest, APSRTC news, APSRTC news, APSRTC new updates

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    BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, vibrant india to create 1 million jobs, Co sourcing

    Vibrant India to create 1 million jobs 08 May 2015

    Aiming for a comprehensive development for non metro cities and its dwellers, National Association of Software and Services Companies or NASSCOM has proposed an innovative concept, which if implemented will result in generating around 1 million jobs. NASSCOM has sought...

    Keywords: BPM, BPO, IT industry, Business Process Outsourcing

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    US, Fossil, us government goes tough on indian it outsourcing companies on immigration violations, Co sourcing

    US government goes tough on Indian IT outsourcing companies on immigration violations 15 June 2015

    U.S. government is investigating two Indian outsourcing firms and a California power company regarding whether they haveĀ  violated U S labor and immigration laws by replacing American workers with foreigners on temporary work visas. The Labor Department said that it...

    Keywords: US, Tata, Walt Disney, Walt Disney

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    Get Friday, Save time., latest outsourcing virtual man friday market to cross 2bn, Co sourcing

    Latest outsourcing: Virtual Man-Friday, market to cross $2Bn 15 December 2011

    The virtual Man-Friday is just a click away, it a personal concierge available to all clients and they do amazing things to free you from hassles or utilize your time in a better way. Right from setting appointments, making travel...

    Keywords: personal concierge, Get Friday, personal concierge, Save time.

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    Skype online coaching, knowledge process out sourcing, urban professionals reach out to rural students, Co sourcing

    Urban professionals reach out to rural students 27 November 2012

     Nothing helps you as much as direct conselling, or fact-to-face interaction with your mentor. However the cream of the experts are in the urban metros and how do you think the rural will be benefitted with their expertise, online tutorials...

    Keywords: online tutorials., knowledge process out sourcing, knowledge process out sourcing, Skype online coaching

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    Infosys Q3 profits, India Business News, infosys q3 profit beats estimates, Co sourcing

    Infosys Q3 profit beats estimates 10 January 2014

    India's second largest Software service provider, Infosys crossed the estimated profits in December quarter (Q3) for the year 2013. As stronger economic growth in Europe and the United States revived demand for outsourcing services, the net profit of the company...

    Keywords: Business, Business, Infosys India, Infosys India

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